
Both the Web3 Compass Podcast and the information on this website and on the Web3 Compass Discord Server are for information and entertainment purposes and are not investment advice or a recommendation to buy. Under no circumstances should you make an investment decision based on or solely based on the information obtained in the podcast, on the website, or in the Discord Server.
All information provided is non-binding subjective opinions of the author, his interview guests, or the podcast community. Opinions about market conditions are subject to estimates at the time of publication and may change at any time without prior notice. 
The audience is hereby expressly advised to critically review the content through their own research. Historical performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
Pursuant to Section 34b of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG), we point out that Sebastian Burgmeier, the author of this website and the podcast, holds or may hold the relevant securities and therefore a potential conflict of interest exists.